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Selling Price : 1s

All stats+1 EXP gain+50% to self when in party

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Alchemy Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s

MaxMP+3% VIT+3 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Critical damage+5%, ATK-2% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Dark Magic+3%, Fear time-2 secs Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Small Melee up by DEX. During White Day, small ATK up by STR. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+2% MATK+4% MaxMP-5% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Magic pierce+1%, Cast defense+5% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Range cut+1%, Melee+2% to Water Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Bleed damage+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Range cut+1%, Melee R+1% Drop rate&EXP gain+10% during Valentine's Day Event. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Heal reward+1000, Heal recovery+10% during Valentine's Day Event. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Burn damage+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee pierce+1% VIT+2 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Carpentry Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Cast time-1%

Selling Price : 1s

Chasing Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Cooking Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Light, AGI+3 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+7%, KO time-1sec Unable to use the same type of Relic Crystas since they repel each other.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Dark magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Dark Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

MATK+2%, Rate cut+2% Unable to use the same type of Relic Crystas since they repel each other.

Selling Price : 1s

Absolute evasion+5%, STR+3 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Drop rate+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Drop Rate+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Earth magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Earth Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

EXP gain-40%,Drop rate+4% Increase Rare drop rate a little. Increase Rare drop rate a little more during Easter.

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Dark+2%, DEX+3 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Melee R+2%, DEX+3 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MP cost-8%, Skill delay-0.3sec Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

EXP gain+1%

Selling Price : 1s

EXP Gain+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Memory of a bond cut and power lost

Selling Price : 1s

Fire Magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Fire Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+5% Evasion-10% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Melee&Magic R+2% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Critical damage+8%, Melee&Magic R-2% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Hate rise-1%

Selling Price : 1s

Hate rise+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Heal recovery+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Heal Recovery+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Heal reward+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Heal Reward+2%

Selling Price : 1s

ATK+4%, Item Delay-0.3 secs, Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Light&Dark, DEF+20 MP cost-3%, Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Light magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Light Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Delay-0.2sec Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crysta.
Skill Delay-0.2s Item Delay-0.2s

Selling Price : 1s

Heal reward+10% Magic R+4% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Magic pierce+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Magic Pierce+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Magic+1% to Boss

Selling Price : 1s

Magic+2% to Boss
Magic+3% to Boss

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Melee pierce+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee Pierce+2%

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Boss

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Dark

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Earth

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Fire

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Light

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Water

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+1% to Wind

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+2% to Boss

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Dark+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Earth+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Fire+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Light+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Water+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Wind+2%
Melee+3% to Boss
Melee to Dark+3%
Melee to Earth+3%
Melee to Fire+3%
Melee to Light+3%
Melee to Water+3%
Melee to Wind+3%

Selling Price : 1s

A fragment from Goddess Specia. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK&MATK+1%, DEF&MDEF+10 Drop rate+1%, Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Poison effect+3% Critical damage+3% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MP Cost-1%

Selling Price : 1s

KO time-1sec Damage cut+5% during stun Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK+2%, Absolute evasion+3% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Changes the current color of a relic crysta to a different one.

Selling Price : 1s

Small MATK up by Lv. During White Day, small MATK up by VIT. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

[X = Lv * 0.4] [MATK up by X] [White Day] [Y = VIT * 0.7] [X = X + Y] [MATK up by X]

Selling Price : 1s

Small crt damage up by CRT. During White Day, small ATK up by AGI. Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK+2% DEX+2 Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Smith Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

Tailoring Success+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Changes the current shape of a relic crysta to a different one.

Selling Price : 1s

Paralysis time-1sec, MATK+2% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK, MATK+5,ATK and MATK+1% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

STR+2 INT+2, Paralysis time-1sec Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK&MATK+2%, Hate rise+5% Melee&Magic R-5%, Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s


Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP&MP+1% Unable to use the same type of Relic Crystas since they repel each other.

Selling Price : 1s

Water magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Water Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Wind magic+1%

Selling Price : 1s

Wind Magic+2%

Selling Price : 1s

Melee R+2% VIT+2 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Heal Recovery +5% Heal Reward -10% 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

ディレイ-0.1秒 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

INT・DEX・CRT+1 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+2% 地耐性+2% 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

STR・VIT・AGI+1 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

アイテム回復+8% アイテムディレイ+0.2秒 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+120 物理耐性+1% VIT+1 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

MaxMP+2% Magic Pierce +1% 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない

Selling Price : 1s

魔法耐性+2% ダメージ反射+10% 同種のレリッククリスタと反発するため 重複での装着はできない
All Stats+1, Drop Rate+3%
STR+1 AGI+1 VIT+1 INT+1 DEX+1 CRT+1 Drop Rate+3%

Selling Price : 1s

MP Cost+10% Skill Delay-0.5sec Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Critical Damage+7%, MaxHP-6% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Melee to Fire+3% Melee to Water+3% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas.

Selling Price : 1s

Spell Burst+2% Hit+30 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP+8% DEF+2% ATK+3% A sealed Relic Crysta. Special power is needed to release it. *Untradable after release.

Selling Price : 1s

Magic Pierce+2% Magic+3% MATK+4% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

ATK&MATK+5% Auto recovery+10% INT+5 Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Melee pierce+3%, Melee+2%, ATK+4% Repels same type Relic Crystas

Selling Price : 1s

MaxHP&MP+10% EXP gain+5% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

Light&Dark Magic+5% MaxHP-5% Repels same type of Relic Crysta, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MATK+6% MaxHP-5% Repels same type Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together.

Selling Price : 1s

MP Cost-2% Delay-0.1s Melee+2% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crysta

Selling Price : 1s

Melee+4% to Water Wind Magic+5% Repels the same type of Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together

Selling Price : 1s

MP Cost-3% ATK+5% Magic R-2% Repels the same type of Relic Crystas, so they cannot be installed together

Selling Price : 1s

MP cost-2% Delay-0.1 sec Magic+2% Unable to attach with the same type of Relic Crystas